Lot Split Program

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Welcome to the Fairfield County Lot Split Online Application!

This user-friendly platform allows applicants to submit and manage lot split applications seamlessly from any device. We are also introducing a new two-step applications process:


  • Preliminary Application (Informal)
  • Formal Application


The purpose of the Preliminary Application is to allow a property owner to informally inquire about a potential lot split(s) and receive feedback from all review agencies prior to encumbering expenses by completing the Survey, Legal Description and Deed.


Please note any informal feedback provided during the Preliminary Application review is non-binding and is subject to change prior to a Formal Application being submitted.  It is also important to note that once the Preliminary Application review is complete, the applicant must initiate the Formal Application to receive official approval of a lot split.


The Formal Application will begin after you have received a summary of all review agencies comments and/or requirements.  When you are ready, you can submit all required documentation such as the Survey, Legal Description, Deed, Soil Study, etc., to be verified and receive final approval.  When the process is complete, the Regional Planning Commission will contact to you to pick up the approved documents and complete the process. 




Fairfield County Lot Split Online Application
Fairfield County Subdivision Regulations

Property Owner Contact Information

Surveyor / Representative for Property Owner

Location of Proposed Split

Please utilize the Fairfield County Auditor's resources to assist with looking up any required information.

Minor Subdivisions approval may be granted only under the following conditions:

  1. The proposed subdivision is along an existing public road and involves no opening, widening or extension of any street of access.
  2. No more than 5 lots are involved after the original parcel has been completely subdivided.
  3. The subdivision is not contrary to applicable platting, subdividing, or zoning regulations.
  4. The property has been surveyed and a drawing based on the survey and a legal description is submitted.
  5. Approval is granted, where applicable, by the agencies listed below.

Fairfield County Board of Health
County Engineer
Township Zoning Inspector
Sewer/Water District with Authority
Fairfield County Regional Planning Commission

Select Type

One Split / Multiple Parcels

Section Quarter

Multiple Splits / One Parcel

The undersigned applies for minor subdivision approval under Title II of the Fairfield County Subdivision Regulations, and certifies all materials submitted with this application is true and correct.

GIS Portal Fields

Additional Contacts

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Assignment Key

Auditor Assignments

RPC Assignments

Engineer Assignments

Utilities Assignments

Health Department Assignments

Information Technology


Please note, if more than 50 splits are needed, please submit additional request.